Monday, February 1, 2010

A Pool is Born

Ridd's Aqua Centre Nelspruit as well as Ridd's Aqua Westrand have recently installed display pools at the respective branches. The purpose of the pools is to showcase all the new innovations in the swimming pool industry. Differnt colour finishes are displayed along with differnet pool surrounds.
Water feartures such as the new Pentair Magic falls, the Pentair Laminer streams called Magic Stream.
Also installed in the pool is the clean and clear cartride filter that is 30% more efficient than conventional sand filters along with the amazing Intelliflo pump.

First the pool needs a firm immovable base, a reinforced concrete slab is cast for this reason.
as this is an indoor pool the structure is above ground and the brick work is built witha very strong mortor mixture and reinforced every second layer.
The weir ,Intellibrite lite and aimflo are installed, they are sealed into the structure with a Cemcret flexbond slush and then a fiberglass reinforcing is done.

After the constuction is complete we can start to water proof the structure. We did it in this case by using Cemcrete Cemforce and applying a flexbond cement slush.

The next step was to construct a round radius inside the pool, this will allow an Automatic pool cleaner to operate in the pool.
The marblite is the last step, ensuring the correct mix of plaster and water will guarantee no sagging cracks and even curing of the plaster. The colours that you see in this pool are all in the cemcrete range including, White, Sky Blue, Charcoal, Light Royal, sandstone and abbotsford green.
If you have any queries about the construction you can contact us.

Our thanks to the contruction companies that assisted us in the building of these pools, namely BD Pool Services (Westrand) and JVR Construction

Photos of the Nelspruit pool will be up soon, please come back and have a look.
In the meantime, go to our website, and have a look around

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